

End of Year Campaign for Environmental Stewardship

Please lend your support to help us sustain our mission!

SEND supports stewardship programs and projects that are helping to create healthy vibrant communities through development of a circular economy. We are motivated by the need for full employment of natural and human resources to help repair and restore natural energy systems that support clean air, water, food security and a stable climate. 

SEND promotes whole system, team-based solutions. In all of our projects, we design to increase the sustained energy exchanges between living communities. This is achieved through restorative and regenerative powers of systems such as:

  • Ecological machines bring communities of life together to clean waste streams and return optimal health to the communities of life as found throughout natural environments.

  • Soil farming exponentially increases the biodiversity of life in degraded and unproductive farmlands.

  • Living building systems -- designing modular based building systems that improve the health of the beings who live, work and play in them.

  • Bringing together experienced people from various skill levels to build unique craft guilds that can work side by side and independently to increase the rate of success needed to stop species extinction and climate change.  

  • Creating a holistic nonviolent operating system that can help heal our members and the communities we serve. By allowing space for each person's unique selves to emerge we are laying the foundations needed to rapidly scale and increase the diversity of our organization.

We see life animated by the cooperative energies of many species. Guilds in a forest are composed of many plants and other forms of life that coexist to complete and sustain life in that ecosystem. One of our goals is to help model that with human guilds. Our project management mission is to bring human guilds together with natural species to accelerate photosynthesis through restorative and regenerative projects that will heal people and our endangered planet together. We see this model becoming a major force to draw down the atmospheric carbon and step us back from the climate change and species extinction spiral that we are experiencing.

Please donate today and join us in this mission. SEND (Sustainable ENergy Delivery) is a cooperative governance structure formed in the USA as a 501 (C)(3) Science and Educational charitable organization.

1100 North Main Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Phone: (248) 245-7114
EIN: 81-0764370


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