Esther Robertson Leadership Fund
In memory and recognition of ALL that Esther has done, contributed, responded, supported within the Woman Within community – an Esther Robertson leadership Fund has been set up.
Esther Robertson was a Weekend Leader, a co-author of Woman Within Level 2, an organizer of many circles, a supporter for her local community, a mother, a wife, a friend to many is one of the leaders that has supported and empowered women of Woman Within for the past 25 years. She passed on November 6th, at 8:30 pm. She was at home surrounded by family and loved ones. She will be greatly missed. Her presence in many ways was grounding, a healing and a blessing to all who were privileged to walk with her.
A message from Esther to us all...
Dearest Women of Woman Within,
I want to share some thoughts with you.
I have been diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor and my crone is walking with me every step of the way. With this diagnosis, I have decided I am not going to do to anything more invasive to my body.
Since 1996 many of you have walked with me and we have shared each other journeys. It has been an honor to be with each of you and see you come through the water of the dark pool to claim your own knowing. In walking with each of you, I have been healed over and over and over again.
Happy trails and discovery to you until we meet again.
Remember always to listen to the whispering of your soul.
I love each of you,