Become a Member Today
Membership and Partnership in the Colorado Poverty Fighting Network
Your membership in the CCAA supports a Colorado statewide effort to increase economic stability and security for low-income individuals and families, and to provide linkages between local communities & individuals, local businesses, local government agencies and local community-based organizations to increase advocacy, collaborations, streamline services, and provide quality services in a measurable and accountable manner, all targeting the ultimate outcome of alleviating poverty in Colorado.
**Let your voice be heard in support of low-income families, programs and issues**
Join your Colorado Community Action Association Today
- Early notification and discounts on Training Opportunities
- Prioritization for CCAA Scholarship Support
- Information from Community Action Partnership, CAPLAW, “CAP FACTS”, and NCAF
- Technical Assistance supporting local poverty fighting agencies and programs
- Networking with other Colorado Community Action Agencies & Partners
- Regular funding opportunities & other resources information
- Supporting a “statewide voice” around CSBG and Community Action
Membership dues are based on the amount of Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) funding an agency received for January 2024 - December 2024.