

Fresh Blood Fundraiser

When’s the last time you felt your heartbeat thumping in your ears during an evening of dance? 

Join us at Paufve Dance’s Fresh Blood Rave Fundraiser: a presentation of 7 powerhouse solos by Paufve Dance’s women collaborators followed by a rave in a church. 

Invigorate Paufve Dance as it enters its next phase! Circulate resources!  Infuse Paufve Dance with some of the lifeblood it has pumped into the community for the past 20 years.

And bring a buddy.

Because this will be a party to remember.

Tickets will be available for purchase in 2022. In the meantime, we are looking for volunteers and sponsors to help us host this event! Once signed up, we will reach out with more information.

How would you like to support?


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