

This year’s 2021 “Giving Tuesday" fundraising campaign is scheduled for November 30, 2021.  This global event was created in 2004. In 2020 in the United States alone this fundraising effort raised $2.4 billion dollars.

On November 30, Giving Tuesday will help the Chefs Table Foundation (CTF) move forward in expanding its mission in 2022.  

CTF has been partnering with The Massachusetts Commission for the Blind to increase its service to the visually impaired and blind.  We’ve been asked to revise our current eight-class culinary course for the blind to include more cooking.  To that end, we’ll be teaching a 20-class culinary course starting in 2022.  This new course will concentrate on techniques that will further help the visually impaired and blind improve their self-sufficiency, confidence, and sustain a more independent lifestyle.

I came to understand the need for more skills training for the blind through my own experience.  My vision was affected by a rare virus in my brain causing me to lose my sight as well as my hope as I became more disabled.  In 2004, The Massachusetts Commission for the Blind taught me how to regain a greater portion of my independent life.  I learned that being disabled does not mean being discarded.  Through CTF, we want to show others how they too can reclaim their lives by being able to cook safely and efficiently.  

Donations like those received through Giving Tuesday will help us purchase more cooking equipment for home use.  We are looking to buy 10 countertop convection ovens, 10 countertop griddles, 10 countertop chargrills, 10 countertop fryolators, 12 voice activated thermometers and 12 thermal oven mitts and 12 side towels.  The total amount to purchase these items is $10,000.  If you would like to contribute toward purchasing a particular item, an individual countertop convection oven is $300.

Your active support is extremely important in helping us as we expand our work with the blind.  Thank you for your support.


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Name Anonymous
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $50.00
Date 11/11/21
Message May God bless our Veterans.

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