

Veterans’ Therapy Treatment

As part of our ongoing efforts to continue our mission, Veterans of Armenia has partnered with APAGA Psychological Service Center.  Located in Yerevan Armenia and formed more than 30 years ago, APAGA has a proven track record serving Veterans across the country. After the 44-day war APAGA  has been the recipient of extensive training in the field of PTSD treatment.  

The purpose of this partnership is to help Veterans and their families reacclimate to their regular lives, by combating numerous mental disorders including but not limited to PTSD. APAGA trained therapists visit veteran homes in various regions of Armenia on a daily basis. Each red dot on our map indicates a home we have been able to make a difference. Each veteran or family member receives a minimum of 5 in person sessions and more if necessary. With thousands of families still in need of our services, we have confidence in our donors, to continue providing these necessary treatments.


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Recent Activity

Name Joseph Marshall
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $1,000.00
Date 11/29/23
Name Phast Financial
Activity Type Donation
Amount $1,200.00
Date 06/16/22

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