

Bands for Brains 2022

What is Bands for Brains?

Bands for Brains is a fundraiser concert to raise money for brain injury research. The concert takes place on Sunday, May 22 at 2 p.m. EST at Union Craft Brewing, 1700 W 41st St #420, Baltimore, MD. Tickets are $15 per person, and children under 12 are free. Online tickets will be available soon, and tickets can also be purchased at Union Craft Brewery on the day of the event. We also appreciate any and all donations (the link to donate is above!). This event is organized by Riley, a high school senior from the greater Baltimore, Maryland area. Riley is not only a music lover, but has a personal experience regarding brain injuries. Riley’s mom acquired a traumatic brain injury in 2015, and sadly passed away recently. All proceeds that this event creates will be going directly to the Brain Injury Association of Maryland (BIAMD). 

We’ve brought together some amazing musicians who have generously contributed their time and their talent, and they will be performing some really great sets curated just for this show. So come and listen to some great music on May 22, for a great cause! 


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Recent Activity

Name Toni Marshall
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $50.00
Date 06/21/22
Message Sending love from the west coast. Alex and Family.
Name Joyce Bondroff
Activity Type Donation
Amount $100.00
Date 05/26/22
Message So incredibly proud of you Riley Granek❣️You are truly a remarkable amazing young woman that is making a difference in this world . I love and admire you.❣️ Sending this donation in memory of your Mom Jennifer and in honor of you Riley😍❤️
Name Jamie Forman
Activity Type Donation
Amount $50.00
Date 05/22/22
Message Amazing job Riley! So proud of you.
Name Stephanie Miller
Activity Type Donation
Amount $54.00
Date 05/22/22
Message Congrats, Riley!! Love, The Miller Family
Name Joy and Bob Ebaugh
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $30.00
Date 05/22/22
Message In loving memory of Jennifer Styar Granek ♡ (Event: Bands for Brains)

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