

Fundraiser In honor of Lisa Price's 60th Birthday

Benefitting Black Girls Smile, a 501(c)(3) charity

Black Girls Smile was founded with a mission to provide young Black women with education, resources, and support to lead mentally healthy lives. BGS' mission is grounded in research, focus group findings, and personal experiences highlighting the under-served and underrepresented mental health needs of young Black women.

BGS envisions a society where through the normalization and dialogue surrounding mental wellness, all individuals, including young Black females are provided education, support, and resources necessary to lead mentally healthy lives.

"BGS thanks you in advance for your support and contribution to our mission and work! We appreciate you joining us along this journey to ensure all BLACK GIRLS SMILE!"-Lauren Carson BGS Executive Director/Founder

Every $10 helps us provide mental health resources to 1 Black girl
Every $25 helps us to provide a virtual mental health workshop to 1 Black girl
Every $50 helps us to provide an in-person mental health workshop to 1 Black girl
Every $100 helps to cover 1 therapy session for a Black girl that has financial need

To learn more about Black Girls Smile, visit



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