

Thank you for your interest in Water Wanderings! We are so glad you are here. Filling out this form is the first step of enrolling in a Water Wanderings Camp for the summer of 2022. To secure your spot in Water Wanderings, you must also do one of the following after you have completed the form: 

a) Submit a deposit of 50% of your family’s tuition cost (based on the sliding scale).

b) Submit a complete financial aid application. 

Each youth session will have one space reserved for a Black, Indigenous or camper of color from a low-income household to attend on full scholarship. The remaining spaces fill on a rolling basis, though we reserve the right to, on rare occasions, preference some campers over others to facilitate the creation of a balanced and diverse group.


Camp Registration Summer 2022

Session I

Monday, July 11th - Friday, July 15th (ages 13-15)

Max Quantity:2

Family Camp

Sat July 16th - Tuesday, July 19th (all ages welcome!) Please select quantity based on total number of family members attending. 

All Reserved

Session II

Monday, July 25th - Friday, July 29th (ages 9-12)

Max Quantity:1

Session III

Monday, August 1st - Friday, August 5th (ages 9-12)

Max Quantity:2

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