

Digital KC Connect and aSTEAM Village I.T. Academy


Digital KC Connect is an initiative that brings broadband internet access and the educational support needed to utilize the internet and its resources to neighborhoods while building a community of knowledge workers.


Choose your course module track! Start your journey to full participation in the high-demand, high-wage, Information Technology and Computer Science industry.

Each Course has Pre-Assessment, Lessons, Labs and Post-Assessment!

When you pass the post-assessment with a score of at least 80% then you should be ready to pass the industry certification exam and you earn the certificate to show that you are employable because you possess the mastery of the course module track.

When you pass the post-assessment with a score of at least 90% and higher then you are ready to pass the industry certification exam and you earn the certificate and a badge to show that you are employable because you possess the mastery of the course module track.

If you don't pass the post-assessment the first time, no worries, retake the course or revisit what you may not have mastered and take the assessment until you pass the course.

Each purchase gives you one-year access to each course module.

Buy your track and let's get the skills that will enable you to be in-demand in the knowledge and information economy of today and tomorrow!


Recent Activity

Name Neil Foerster
Activity Type Item, Mailing list
Amount -
Date 11/29/24
Name Patricia Carter
Activity Type Item, Mailing list
Amount -
Date 08/01/24
Name Kahlil Owens
Activity Type Item, Mailing list
Amount -
Date 07/23/24
Name Shanay Irvin
Activity Type Item, Mailing list
Amount -
Date 04/05/24
Name Christie Barclay
Activity Type Item, Mailing list
Amount -
Date 10/24/23

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