Max Lincow's Mitzvah Project
My name is Max Lincow, and I am excited to raise money for the Israel ParaSport Center, formerly the Israel Sports Center for the Disabled (ISCD), as part of my Bar Mitzvah project. Playing basketball is my passion! Recently, I started volunteering for a youth wheelchair basketball program. It was incredible to experience playing basketball in a wheelchair with the other players. Through perseverance and determination, the players were able to excel with their ball-handling skills and techniques despite their disabilities. My volunteer work has helped me to realize that I want to give back to my community and allow other children to overcome their challenges and enjoy playing their favorite sports. The Center is an incredible organization that helps children with all types of disabilities overcome physical and emotional obstacles through playing sports.
Thank you for considering donating to the Israel ParaSports Center in honor of my mitzvah project.
Max Lincow
For more information about Israel ParaSport Center please visit their website at