

Mountain Top Journey is a Non-Profit Ministry for women and teenager, and will soon minister to couples who are grieving.  Grieving can be due to the death of a loved one, a big change in someone's life due to health, accidents, a difficult relationship, a divorce, a move away from family, being shunned by family, abuse, job loss, financial issues, or any other struggles that seem to suck the life out of us.

Mountain Top Journey was started as I suffered the deaths of 2 precious grandsons within 5 years of each other, both due to tragic deaths. Gatlinburg, TN was the last vacation I had with 1 of my grandsons and he loved it there.  After his death, my heart was calling me to go the mountains to find peace.  It was confirmed we should go, when my other grandchildren who were deeply grieving the death of their 2 cousins also asked me to take them to the mountains in Gatlinburg to relive their memories and find that peace that passes understanding.  At the end of our Journey that week, we felt that peace and knew we could move forward.  I personally was not wanting to keep asking God "Why God, my 2 grandsons?"  God moved me and said "Ask what I want you to do with this?"  The answer was to start a journey for others like we had this week. 

I obeyed and started the 5 day Christian retreat in Gatlinburg, TN helping others to relax, release their burdens to God, reconnect with God and leave feeling rejuvenated with Joy in their lives again.

How you can help!


Mountain Top Journey has women, teenagers, couples attend from all over the United States of America! We have small groups of 4 up to larger groups of 12. We are hoping for 2 vans.

One would be a mini van that we could use as transportation when we have a smaller group or when we need to transport supplies to TN. The mini van may also be used to transport individuals or small groups to and from the airports.

We prefer a newer Pacifica with low mileage or something similar.

The second van would be a larger passenger van (12-15 people). It is much easier to transport everyone in one van while in Gatlinburg. The van may also be used to travel from other states to TN if a larger group from the same area choose to ride down together. The van could also transport larger groups and luggage to and from airports.

Funding for maintenance/upkeep, gas, insurance, licensing for the 2 vans is also needed.

You can never out give God!  Your donation blessing of $40.00 a month will help!  Your one time donation of any amount will help!

God may choose you to give a large donation and that is great!

Sometimes God does choose one person to provide the vans, but sometimes He chooses to use you and me and several others to make this happen, to accomplish the Blessing.  He chooses to share the Joy of giving with several of us instead of just one! 

Giving is JOY!  Take in the Joy of this Journey!

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Recent Activity

Name Darren Graber
Activity Type Donation(Recurring)
Amount $100.00
Date 01/22/25
Name Darren Graber
Activity Type Donation(Recurring)
Amount $100.00
Date 12/22/24
Name Darren Graber
Activity Type Donation(Recurring)
Amount $100.00
Date 11/22/24
Name Darren Graber
Activity Type Donation(Recurring)
Amount $100.00
Date 10/22/24
Name Darren Graber
Activity Type Donation(Recurring)
Amount $100.00
Date 09/22/24

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