

Retreat with Shelly Graf - October 22

Wise Effort: Keeping on with Love and Wisdom

Half-day Retreat, via Zoom

with Shelly Graf

Saturday, October 22, 2022; 9:00am-1:00pm ET

Suggested donation: $15-30 registration + teacher donation (we encourage you to consider giving teacher dana equal to or greater than what you gave for registration)*


Discerning wise effort can be difficult and confusing but thankfully it is possible for us to learn to apply ourselves in skillful ways and in alignment with our deepest values. As human beings, our efforts are often misguided, looking for immediate results or seeking resolution. Instead we learn the art of wholehearted participation without appropriation, and we learn to linger in and appreciate the heart's goodness.  The Buddha's teachings on wise effort are an essential support and invite us to lean into the places of tension and confusion in our hearts, with love and patience as we learn and grow. Join us in this exploration. All are welcome. 

Shelly Graf has been practicing in the Insight Meditation tradition and has called Common Ground their spiritual home since 2003. They are a graduate of Insight Meditation Society’s four-year teacher training program and lead residential retreats at IMS and other retreat centers nationally. Shelly currently serves alongside Mark Nunberg as one of Common Ground’s Guiding Teachers. Shelly has an interest in integrating the teachings of the Buddha as deeply as possible into the fabric of our lives and as such, they have a special interest in waking up to whiteness as part of this total and fully integrated path of awakening. Whatever Shelly’s role may be, they will always be a grateful student of Buddhist Practice first.

*In keeping with the Buddhist tradition of dana (generosity), the suggested registration amounts for our classes and retreats do not include any payment for the teacher. The teachers are paid entirely out of the students' generosity. Please consider giving a donation to the teacher in order to support their ability to continue to share the dharma. We encourage you to consider teacher dana equal to or greater than the amount you gave for registration. You may give a donation at the time of registration and/or give later donations through our teacher dana link or in-person at the course/retreat. Everyone is welcome to all of our offerings regardless of ability to donate.

You can give online or send checks to Insight Western Mass, 116 Pleasant Street, Suite 242, Easthampton, MA 01027. FYI: we check for mail once per week.

Zoom Link
Password: 242. 

Dial in by phone for audio only: Call (646) 558-8656. Meeting ID: 943 156 1684. Password: 242

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