

Raising Voices Community Outreach Programs

Beginning in the 2022-2023 season, Dakota Pro Musica will be offering "Raising Voices" community outreach programs to underserved and marginalized communities.  On August 15, 2022 we received approval from the North Dakota Department of Corrections to begin offering Music courses for residents of the ND State Penitentary in Bismarck.   

All Raising Voices programs are lead by professional musicians and content area experts, and so each session of each program costs between $75 - $150.   We hope to offer three to four programs in the State Penitentiary during the 2022-2023 program year, with a budgeted cost of $2,500.  We are also working to create other Raising Voices outreach programs in other areas of our community with will cost an additional $2,500.

Please consider a donation to Dakota Pro Musica's "Raising Voices" campaign to help us provide meaningful musical experiences to all corners of our community.


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Recent Activity

Name Sonja Thoms
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $25.00
Date 08/24/22
Name Sargianna Wutzke
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $25.00
Date 08/16/22
Name Jason Thoms
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $25.00
Date 08/16/22

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