Registration is underway! In addition to the registration form below, please complete the attached parental consent/medical authorization form. A waiting list will be maintained once the program has been filled.
PROGRAM OBJECTIVE: To provide a positive, enriching experience for children in the hours after school while in a safe, structured, and supervised environment. Children in grades K-8 in King County are eligible to register for the program.
STARTING DATE: The program starts on September 2022 and is held every Wednesday, Thursdays and Saturdays from 3-6 pm with the exception of holidays and any day both First Five Years & Beyond and schools are not in session.
HOMEWORK POLICY: Homework time is scheduled during the After School Program in addition to other activities. During this time staff members and volunteers are available to answer homework questions and provide help. We do not guarantee that all homework is completed or correct. You and your child should review their homework at home. Here are some tips to help make sure your child’s homework time is a success: 1. Remind your child of your expectations regarding homework. 2. If students say they have no homework an alternate assignment will be given to them (i.e. math practice, reading or writing assignments). 3. Remind your child to bring their homework with them from class to the After School Program and to turn in their homework the following day. 4. Encourage your child to ask for help from staff and volunteers when they need it. 5. Please remind your child that homework time is quiet time.
STRUCTURED ACTIVITIES: Activities of the program may include STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) projects; arts/crafts, growth-mindset training, coding (code.org), board games, etc. There is snack time at the beginning of each scheduled day when the children first arrive from school. Children may bring their own snacks.
Tuesdays schedule:
3:00 pm-3:30 pm Snack/Welcome
3:30 pm-4:30 pm Homework Help & Tutoring
4:30 pm-5:00 pm Group Structured Activities
5:00 pm-5:50 pm Games/independent activity
5:50 pm-6:00 pm Reflection/Clean up/See you next time!
Saturday Schedule: Varies-May include field-trip
12:00 pm-12:30 pm Welcome
12:30 pm-1:30 pm Structured Group Activities
1:30 pm-2:00 pm Games
Wednesday schedule:
3:00 pm-3:30 pm Snack/Welcome
3:30 pm-4:30 pm Homework Help & Tutoring
4:30 pm-5:00 pm Structured Group Activities
5:00 pm-5:50 pm Games/Independent activity
5:50 pm-6:00 pm Reflection/Clean up/See you next time!
ALTERNATE DROP-OFF TIMES: Due to various release times of nearby schools, we welcome alternative drop-off times, with curated participant schedules on a case-by-case basis. The pick-up time remains the same (6:00 pm). Please leave a note in the description below indicating detailed information you'd like us to know ahead of making those arrangements.
STUDENT CONDUCT: Students are expected to maintain the same behavioral standard that they would have during the formal school day. The FFYB staff on duty will notify parents of inappropriate behavior. If gross misbehavior or a repeated violation of the rules occurs, parents will be required to withdraw their child from the program.
NON-ATTENDANCE: Please notify us at [email protected] at least 2 hours prior to school dismissal if your child will not be attending the program that day. If you miss more than three (3) consecutive weeks, we cannot "hold your spot" in the program anymore unless prior approval from management is granted.
PICK-UP PROCEDURE: Only parents and those authorized by parents, in writing at the time of registration, are allowed to pick up children. Parents may designate additional escorts by submitting written authorization or placing a phone call on the given day to the FFYB staff on duty as necessary. Children must be picked up by 6:00 pm otherwise it is considered late. After three (3) late pick-ups, we may suspend enrollment. These procedures will be strictly enforced. Parents/guardians also must notify us if their child will be absent (see above).
MEDICATION/ILLNESS/INJURY: Any program participant that becomes ill during the program will need to be picked up immediately. In the event of injury, staff will perform the appropriate first aid measures including calling 911 and arranging transportation to the hospital if necessary. Allergies: Caregivers of students with severe allergies are responsible for contacting us in order to develop a formal health concern plan.
COVID-19 POLICY: We require all adults to wear a mask inside our center including during drop-off and pick-up. We believe that wearing masks is a key way to keep people safe and healthy. As such, we require that everyone five and up wear a mask in our centers. If children ages 2-4 are with you, we strongly recommend that they wear masks unless there is a specific reason they are unable to. We can provide surgical masks of both sizes if necessary. Know when to keep your child home: Stay home if you’re sick. If your child has felt unwell or displayed symptoms of COVID-19, we ask that all household members stay home until they’ve been symptom-free and receive a negative COVID-19 test. All First Five Years & Beyond staff are fully vaccinated.
TRANSPORTATION: We do not provide transportation to and from First Five Years & Beyond. Transportation will need to be arranged prior to registration. We will provide a transportation stipend for in-person meetings. Parents who drive their children to our office twice a month will get a $50 transportation stipend monthly.
FEE STRUCTURE: This is a free program funded by our sponsors listed on our home page. Donations can be made on our website under the "Get Involved" tab and are tax deductible.
LOCATION: The primary location for the program is 302 W. Harrison St, Kent Wa 98032 Suites 101 and 201, located directly across from the Kent Library.
Please make sure to pick one preferred virtual day and one preferred in-person day. And, frequency is twice a week.