

Celebrate a Birthday!

Give a gift so more babies can have happy birthdays!

Group B Strep International (GBSI) is working to provide critical GBS information to all parents so they know how to:

  1) Help protect their baby during pregnancy  (A fever in the mom can be a sign of infection in her baby!)

  2) Help protect their baby at birth (All pregnant women should be tested for GBS--many countries still don't!)

  3) Help protect their baby once home from the hospital (All parents should be able to recognize the signs of GBS infection BEFORE they leave the hospital!)

GBSI provides complimentary patient materials and resources to health care providers and actively engages with providers at various perinatal conferences and exhibits around the world.  Thank you for helping more babies to have happy birthdays!

Birthday Hosts


Recent Activity

Name Anonymous
Activity Type Donation
Amount $20.00
Date 06/11/17
for "Raise GBS Awareness for Reagan"
Name Marsha Parillo
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $60.00
Date 06/11/17
Message In honor of my warrior baby!
for "Raise GBS Awareness for Reagan"
Name Carie Sala
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $40.00
Date 06/10/17
Message Happy birthday Reagan!!
for "Raise GBS Awareness for Reagan"
Name Kristen Baker
Activity Type Donation
Amount $25.00
Date 06/10/17
for "Raise GBS Awareness for Reagan"
Name Mary Looman
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $50.00
Date 06/10/17
Message Happy Birthday to my great grandson Reagan. This is in honor for Reagan and to help all of the babies like him!! You have come a long way little warrior and you are beating the odds against you!!
for "Raise GBS Awareness for Reagan"

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