

Give a Teacher the Gift of Classroom Music

Empower Better Learning Through Music!

For twenty-two years, Guitars & Ukes in the Classroom has removed all financial barriers to receiving musical training for classroom teachers and school support staff. Why?  

Teachers donate their time to come to classes, to practice, and to take courageous musical steps with their students even though they are beginners. This is the way each participant makes GITC possible.

If we were to charge teachers, 56% would not participate at all. Many more would need partial scholarships. Charging would absolutely defeat the mission of our charity. 

  • It's a well-known fact that teachers work extremely hard and keep long hours bringing work home most nights for insufficient pay. Teachers aides earn far less. They all need and deserve our support.
  • Many educators are primary caregivers and breadwinners for their families, and every minute in their day is spoken for. Every dollar they earn is spent before their monthly paychecks hit the bank. Unless music training is free, sadly, it is out of the question.   
  • Music education in schools has been underfunded or unfunded for too long, and our teaching force shows the proof of this. 73% of the teachers who train with us have no prior formal music education or experience. They need GITC to help them learn to sing, develop musical skills and understandings, and to learn to lead songs for learning with students. This is how we restore music to American classrooms.

By keeping our work free, all educators, teachers and staff can take a chance on themselves, musically. Even if they sing out of tune or have trouble keeping a beat, so many carry a dream of learning to sing and play, and of giving these gifts to the children and teens in their classrooms. They are willing to try, even if they don't know whether they'll succeed. Teachers want to bring back the music and your tax-deductible gift supports them to make this difference for kids.

One donor, one teacher, and  one classroom at a time, GITC is bringing music back to teaching and learning. You can help.

$25 places a soprano ukulele in the hands of a student.

$50 purchases a concert ukulele, a book, picks, capo, and a tuner for song leadership.

$75 funds a guitar for everyone to play in a classroom.

$100 covers the cost of sending one educator through a full level training.

$500 purchases a classroom set of ukuleles so all students can learn to play together

$1000 helps GITC underwrites a Professional Development Course for 24 teachers.

Gifts of ANY amount mean so much to us, to the teachers who are able to participate because of you, and to their students. All cash gifts are tax deductible GITC is a 501(c)3 public charity, EIN 71-1-13691.

What would you like to make possible?


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Recent Activity

Name Sean Reilly
Activity Type Donation
Amount $50.00
Date 12/14/22
Name Nita Bynum
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $150.00
Date 10/06/22
Name Anonymous
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $25.00
Date 10/06/22
Name susan May
Activity Type Donation
Amount $250.00
Date 07/21/22
Name Jess Baron
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $25.00
Date 05/23/22

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