

CF Yogi 8-Limbs Annual Fund 2022

Bringing yoga for whole-person wellness to the CF community

People with CF have seen major upheaval in their lives in recent years—the gift of yoga can help.

CF Yogi's mission is to support wellness of body, mind, and spirit in the CF Community. As a virtual yoga studio by and for the CF community, our free virtual yoga classes (held via Zoom) give people with CF and their loved ones a unique opportunity to build relationships with others impacted by the disease, while supporting their own physical, mental, and emotional health through yoga. These class recordings are then made available in an on-demand Video Library that participants can practice with at their own time and pace. 

Our grant from the CF Foundation that has funded our core program of adult classes since 2018 is ending on June 30th -- it's time to spread our wings and fly on our own! Our goal is to raise $12,000 to replace the CFF grant and fully fund our program for the next 12 months.

Every $1,000 raised funds one month of our program, including:

  • "Live" (Zoom) yoga classes twice per week, taught by experienced yoga instructors living with CF
  • Class recordings available in the Video Library inside the member portal
  • Social media support and blog content creation
  • Program technology backend support

In CF Yogi’s next phase, we intend to keep offering our current twice-weekly physical yoga classes for adults, while creating new opportunities for our community to learn about the other tools yoga offers for mental and emotional wellness -- the "8 Limbs of Yoga." Read more on the blog about the 8 limbs of yoga and their relevance to people with CF.  (P.S. Our Kids Yoga classes are now funded under a separate grant from Vertex Pharmaceuticals, so we're simultaneously hard at work on getting content for CF Kids up running again this summer!) 

You are welcome to make a direct donation below, and/or sign yourself up to be a CF Yogi Champion with a fundraiser of your own supporting our campaign as a whole. (Similar to what you may have done before if you’ve ever been on a Great Strides team!).

Plus, any donor willing to donate $1,000 to fund a month of programming will receive public recognition as that month’s class sponsor (if desired), and they can sponsor as many months as they choose!

 Your gift helps us support the whole-person with CF (and their loved ones) as the CF community faces tumultuous times.

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Recent Activity

Name Peter Seitel
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $500.00
Date 12/28/23
for "Katie Malik"
Name JaneandHuss Malik
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $50.00
Date 10/24/23
for "Katie Malik"
Name Maureen Kahr
Activity Type Donation
Amount $200.00
Date 07/13/22
Name Stacey Hack
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $100.00
Date 07/04/22
Name Anonymous
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $50.00
Date 06/28/22
for "Katie Malik"



June 28, 2022

WOW - that was fast! You all maxed out the $500 match within 24 hours of the announcement! Campaign ticker is updated to now include the $500 match. (Let's go find some more matching donors!) :)

