
The Philadelphia College Prep Roundtable seeks to strengthen a community of college access and success practitioners who believe in the potential of all individuals and help students navigate the path to and through higher education. We provide tools, resources, and opportunities for discourse; support leadership development in the field; and seek to bridge the gap between policy, research, and practice in the area of college access and completion.

Individual member
- $40
Organizational member - $300
Premium Member - $500

The Philadelphia College Prep Roundtable's fiscal sponsor is the Federation of Neighborhood Centers. for more information go to


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(Your Membership(s) will be Ongoing and can be cancelled anytime.)
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Please select the total number of Memberships you would like to make:

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(Your Membership(s) will end after payments.)

Your first Membership will occur on

Please select an start date.

Please select the total number of Memberships you would like to make:

Please select a set number of payments.

Your first Membership will occur on .

Please select an end date.

Your first Membership will occur on .

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(Your Membership(s) will end after payments.)

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(Your Membership(s) will be Ongoing and can be cancelled anytime.)
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