2022 Year End Appeal
This year, help us share all that Brendan Sailing has to offer to youth with Learning Differences. Through sailing, these young people learn life lessons, build self-confidence, and improve social skills. Through your support, we never turn away students for inability to pay. The need is higher than ever, as our scholarship requests have increased substantially. This is a critical time to maintain accessibility to our programs. Our amazing programs are only possible through the generous support of donors like you.
Here is what your gift can do:
$50 provides supplies for one camper
$100 sends a youth to one week of
After-School Sailing
$250 sends a teacher to the Navigating
Differences Symposium
$500 replaces a mainsail on our Topaz
$850 sends a youth to summer day camp for
the week
$1100 sends a youth to overnight camp for a week