

Breitenbush Catalysts

Renewing, Revisioning, Returning!

Catalysts Help Us With Bigger Horizons! 

You are Catalysts for our bigger horizons—those that we need in our forward facing perspective now. Even though we don’t have all of our Hermitage Grove Cabins completed and we are still repairing and rebuilding infrastructures, we also have our eye on the next phases of Rebuilding and Revisioning.

We’re exploring solar technologies, greenhouse possibilities, a new dining room attached to the kitchen for sunrise breakfasts, educational programs, and community engagement.

We’re also exploring Legacy Cabins in honor of our long-time teachers—those who helped to shape and sustain our first 45 years. Teachers such as Ram Dass, Stephen Levine, Ruth Denison, Jerry Jones, and Hank Wesselman.

​With the help of you, our Catalysts, we will be able to break ground on these cabins! We also long to rebuild our Sanctuary and Healing Arts Center!


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Recent Activity

Name Anonymous
Activity Type Donation
Amount $3,000.00
Date 12/28/22
Message You have brought peace and light into my life. Thank you.

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