With your minimal Donation of just $25.00 or more, you can help young deserving students graduating high school to further pursue their dreams and asperations to receive a degree in Higher Education at an Accredited Trade School, College, or University of their choosing. Yes, your Donation to the G.G.M.C. MASONIC LIBRARY will be used to help further someone else's education; it can also further your Masonic Education by allowing you as a Member or Affiliate of the General Grand Masonic Congress gain access and a Subscription to our Secure and Exclusive G.G.M.C. MASONIC LIBRARY.
The G.G.M.C. Masonic Library is a collection of over 500 + Rare, Out-of-print Masonic Books, Manuscripts, and Documents dating back to the mid-1700s digitized and made available for all current and future generations of Historians and Freemasons alike.
Lost in time due to expired copyrights and a dwindling interest in Freemasonry, many of these books have long been discontinued, would’ve been lost, and forgotten forever (if it wasn’t for the collective efforts of Prominent Masons in the G.G.M.C. to keep them safe for current and future generations of Freemasons and Historians).
Even most Freemasons alive today are unaware of most of these secret texts from literary greats such as:
George Washington, Albert Pike, AG Mackey, Macoy, Robert Gould, Lee Stephen Tillotson, Swedenborg, W.G Clarke, Manley P. Hall, and many, many, others...
Subscription Options to the G.G.M.C. Masonic Library
1 yrs. Subscription to the G.G.M.C. Masonic Library__________________________ $25.00 Donation
2 yrs. Subscription to the G.G.M.C. Masonic Library_____________________________ $50.00 Donation
3 yrs. Subscription to the G.G.M.C. Masonic Library____________________________ $75.00 Donation
Life Membership and Access to this Library for any Donation of $100.00 or More