Sponsor The Barefoot Gecko
Finding Species created an educational, interactive website for the Geckos of the United States in collaboration with scientists, researchers, and originally with the support of USGS National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII). GeckoWeb has provided scientists and naturalists with a high-quality website to identify and study geckos and their threatened habitats in the United States. Finding Species located and documented species throughout the country, taking some of the most up-close, detailed images ever captured of these elusive species. The website was recently updated to be smart phone compatible and we would now like to add three more species. With your help, we can document these additional species.
Finding Species encourages you to sponsor a Gecko for $1,500. With your generous donation, you can honor a loved one and receive recognition on the GeckoWeb website along-side the gecko you sponsor. Your donation will provide Finding Species the resources to locate accessible geckos to photograph, cover costs of transportation, and photo-document the key characteristics of each gecko and its habitat. Finding Species always shares photos with scientists, institutions, and organizations for educational purposes. The fun part is you will be able to watch our progress as we keep everyone posted on social media and small clips of our work will be shared on our YouTube channel. You can help document species, one species at a time. Please join our efforts to Give a Face to Biodiversity.
Sponsor the Barefoot Gecko
The Barefoot Gecko is the largest
banded gecko in North America, reaching 5.5 - 6.8 in. (14 - 17.2 cm) TL.
Like other banded geckos, it has moveable eyelids, a short fleshy tail
and lacks toepads. It resembles the Western Banded Gecko, but has small
tubercles on the back of the neck and sides. In California, most are
tan, beige or yellowish with round or oval light and dark spots in
irregular rows across the back. Like some other desert lizards,
individual Barefoot Geckos match their body color to the color of the
dominant rock formations, grayish in granitic areas, brown in volcanic
Habitat and Range
Barefoot Gecko is found in extreme south central California, where it
frequents arroyos and rocky hillsides, usually near large boulders or
rocky outcrops. This species is known only from a handful of localities
in eastern San Diego County and western Imperial County. Its range
extends south to Santa Rosalia in Baja California.
Geckos are nocturnal, retreating under rocks or in deep crevices by
day. They do not climb as well as geckos with toepads and confine most
of their activity to ground level. These geckos are sometimes seen
walking on roads at night with their tail elevated. They will sometimes
squeak when disturbed. They feed on insects, spiders and other
arthropods. Males develop a bright yellow breeding coloration, something
unique among banded geckos. In spring, females may lay several clutches
of two eggs under rocks or other surface objects.
Similar Species
geckos from the western United States, only banded geckos have eyelids
and lack toepads. Unlike the San Diego Banded Gecko and Desert Banded
Gecko, Barefoot Gecko has enlarged tubercles scattered among the
granular scales of its back. Unlike the native Peninsular Leaf-toed
Gecko or introduced Stump-toed Gecko, Mediterranean Gecko, or Common
Wall Gecko, banded geckos have moveable eyelids and thin toes without
Conservation & Other Threats
Barefoot Gecko has been listed as a threatened species by the state of
California, mostly due to its tiny range within the United States.
Illegal collection by reptile hobbyists and commercial collectors is a
major threat.