

1.16.2023 - Dental Care & Craft Kits

Assemble with Love

For children living in foster care or shelters, having enough of even the most essential items like tooth paste can be a struggle. Join us as we assemble dental hygiene kits as well as dream-catcher making kits for Youth Homes, to help kids in need. These kits will not only ease the burden of buying dental hygiene items, but will also bring a little bit of joy to kids who need it most.

This is an engaging opportunity for children and families to learn about challenges facing foster youth in the Bay Area. This event will be fun and accessible for everyone, especially young minds and eager hearts. Let's exercise our compassion muscle and support families in need.

Sponsored by LAMORINDA TOOTHBUDS & Lamorinda Music

When & Where:

  • Monday, January 16th, 2-3:15pm
  • Lamorinda Music, 81 Lafayette Cir, Lafayette, CA

What you will do:

  • Learn about issues facing at-risk youth and families in the Bay Area
  • Assemble and decorate hygiene kits
  • Create crafting kits
  • Connect with other local families in the community
  • Support efforts of local nonprofit Youth Homes
  • Thank you to Lamorinda Music & Lamorinda ToothBuds for sponsoring!
This event is for families with kids in elementary school. *If you want to include a teen in your family group, please let us know by making a note in your registration. There is a separate registration for both youth and adults looking to volunteer before/during/after the event. Please email [email protected] if interested.

What should I bring into the event?
Water and any snacks needed for your kids. Please eat outside, before or after our programming.

What are the Covid-19 protocols?
Please stay home if you or your littles are not feeling well. We prefer all attendees to be vaccinate or wear a mask.
We will be taking temperatures and have hand sanitizer on site! 

About Mindful Littles
Mindful Littles is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that combines mindfulness, social-emotional learning and authentic service learning into a holistic model for all ages. With a staggering mental health crisis and the growing empathy deficit in our country, our innovative programs help youth and adults alike cultivate compassion & resiliency to better support themselves and their communities.

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Recent Activity

Name Christina Bentel
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $25.00
Date 01/16/23
Name Josiline Roddy
Activity Type Registration, Mailing list
Amount $15.00
Date 01/14/23
Name Jenny Lallas
Activity Type Registration, Mailing list
Amount $30.00
Date 01/10/23
Name Sarah Combellick
Activity Type Registration, Mailing list
Amount $25.00
Date 01/10/23
Name Stephanie Gee
Activity Type Registration, Mailing list
Amount $30.00
Date 01/10/23

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