Shawi Indian-Bible Campaign
The Shawi people comprise more than 20,000 people living in 185 communities in the Loreto and San Martin regions of Peru. They are an indigenous people that for the most part, still live off their land and wildlife. Many communities of been evangelized but still many remain without a local church of any kind. In March of 2023 we will be taking an evangelistic team up the Paranapura River and into many of these communities. The Shawi language has a written bible in their native tongue. We want to take 400-500 of these bibles with us on the trip. The price of bibles has doubled in the last couple years. To print and ship a bible in the Shawi Language it costs us 8.00 US dollars. If you would like to purchase a bible or bibles, it would be a tremendous blessing. You can even purchase in the name of a family member or loved one and we will post that name on our website on the " upcoming events" page. Just provide us a name with your donation. Prayfully consider helping evangelize these precious people. Jesus said in John chapter 4 " My nourishment comes from doing the will of God, who sent me, and finishing his work." The fields are ready for harvest and our time is short! We must finish his work! United we all share in the reward of this harvest! May God richly bless you!