

Lake Murray Elementary School

LMES Jump Rope Jamboree

Grade Levels

(Click link above)

A percentage of the funds raised will go to Pet Pals associated with Meals on Wheels. Our school goal is to leave the legacy of improving bus loop recess by ordering and painting stencil activities. 

Recent Activity

Name Anonymous
Activity Type Donation
Amount $5.00
Date 02/20/23
for "2nd Grade Class"
Name Anonymous
Activity Type Donation
Amount $25.00
Date 02/17/23
for "3rd Grade Class"
Name Anonymous
Activity Type Donation
Amount $25.00
Date 02/17/23
for "1st Grade Class"
Name Wei Guo
Activity Type Donation
Amount $10.00
Date 02/17/23
for "1st Grade Class"
Name Holly Ailes
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $50.00
Date 02/16/23
for "1st Grade Class"