
Dominican Republic 2023



July 15-22 we will be taking a group to the Dominican Republic to partner with SCORE international. We will be ministering in local villages, as well as, playing competitions against local talent. This will be an exciting time to come together and be the hands and feet of Christ. 

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Recent Activity

Name Ashley Allison
Activity Type Donation
Amount $25.00
Date 06/24/17
for "VBS at Lily House"
Name Deborah Lunn
Activity Type Donation
Amount -
Date 06/23/17
Message We are praying for a successful trip.
for "VBS at Lily House"
Name Paulette Jackson
Activity Type Donation
Amount -
Date 06/23/17
Message You're wonderful!!!
for "VBS at Lily House"
Name Nikki Gremminger
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $25.00
Date 06/08/17
for "VBS at Lily House"
Name Rachel Jahn
Activity Type Donation
Amount $200.00
Date 04/29/17
for "VBS at Lily House"

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