

Scholarship Reception May 17th, 2025

PFLAG New Orleans' 34th Annual Sandra Pailet Memorial Scholarship Reception

For over 20 years, Sandra Pailet led PFLAG New Orleans from its infancy until it became a leader in the local community. In a time when PFLAG did not include the Trans community in its mission, Sandra helped lead the successful movement to modify PFLAG's mission. During her tenure, our scholarship program was instituted and is now a template for other scholarship programs to follow.

This year, we celebrate 34 years of the robust PFLAG New Orleans scholarship program that bears Sandra's name, in her loving memory, along with a celebration of serving Southeast Louisiana for over 40 years!

Join us in person to take part in our silent auction, sample delicious food, dancing and meet the scholars and special invited guests. You can view the award ceremony, listen to inspirational messages, and enjoy an entertaining performance. All tickets sold will help offset the rising costs for the annual reception and will help PFLAG New Orleans continue its work in Advocacy, Support, and Education.

The scholarship program has been built by the hard work and generous donations of volunteers and wonderful people just like you. Please keep the legacy alive--support PFLAG New Orleans by buying tickets or donating today.