Help Raramuri Women Finish High School
NI EN MORE is a social innovation project merging
political activism, fashion, and art. In the past few years, we have worked
alongside underprivileged women in Cd. Juárez, MX, with a comprehensive set of
programming that includes educational activities, business mentorship,
workshops, and more. Our goal is to create job opportunities that provide
dignity and sustainable, fair income to our team and help them build confidence
and skills that contribute to long-term financial independence.
Our latest project, the Raramuri Community School Program, aims to help
indigenous women to complete their basic education. The platform works with the
online platform provided by ICHEA, a state institution dedicated to providing
education for adults. Our first cohort of 10 women recently began their
courses, and we are asking for your help to finance their studies.
Will you partner with us today and sponsor this important opportunity?
A donation of $255 fully covers the needs of one woman attending the program,
which includes the tuition and school supplies necessary to complete their
studies. $466 will help us purchase one laptop for the online courses (20 are
needed), and $600 will allow us to get a projector for the class.
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about other ways to help,
do not hesitate to contact [email protected]
or visit our website, www.nienmore.com