

Our good friend Danny McBath needs a heart transplant, and we want to help him cover some medical bills and expenses of having to drive from Dallas to Houston for his doctor visits. Anything donated to this campaign will go directly to Danny and his family.

We would like to ask for Prayer Warriors on this as well. Danny and his family need financial help but also spiritual guidance and protection. Please pray that Danny gets on a list and is accepted for a new heart.

Like It Matters Familia, We would like to introduce you to our good friend in need of help, Danny McBath.

Danny has been battling his heart problem since 2008, as it is a hereditary condition that has left most of the men in his family not making it past 54 years old. Danny is now 44 years old and has a beautiful family of 4. His heart fraction is at 14% normal heart fraction are between 45% to 85% anything lower than 40% is considered CHF Congestive Heart Failure. He has been at 43% since 2007 now at 14%.

Danny’s medications alone cost $1,100, and the trips to Houston for the doctor appointments cost $575 for gas, food, lodging, and the appointment.

He is on a medication called Milrinone attached to his heart, and it pushes his heart to pump blood to my organs. It is a Pic line attached to him (IV Line) daily. Because of this bag, it is difficult for him to work and sustain his family. This is the last stage of Danny’s journey until he can get a heart transplant.

Please help us help our brother in need. Danny is one of the most loving and giving people we have met in our community, and we would like to help and bless him as much as we can throughout this journey.

100% of donations will go straight to Danny and his family.

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