VNMS Celebrate Community Volunteers April 29
For the first time in three years, Van Ness Main Street will be holding an in-person fundraiser to Celebrate Community with food, beverages, and amazing local jazz, blues, and funk music. We would love to have volunteers for set up and decoration, food pick up from the local restaurants, assistance during the event to welcome guests at the doors, handle registration, sign up recurring donors, help with food and bars, and finally for break down and clean up.
Here is the run of show for April 29:
3:00 pm Decoration Start
5:00 pm Pick Up Food (if needed)
6:45 pm Edmund Burke Band Welcoming Guests on Theater Plaza
7:00 pm DOORS OPEN
7:15 pm Edmund Burke Band ends
7:15 pm UDC Jazz Trio - CONFIRMED
7:00-8:00 pm VIP Champagne Bar Open in Black Box
Program 8:00 pm
VNMS Overview/2022 Accomplishments/Recurring Donor Ask
Reginald M. Felton Spirit of VNMS Award
8:30 pm Blues Quartet - CONFIRMED
9:30 pm Crush Funk Brass Band
11:00 pm End
11:00 pm Clean Up
All proceeds for this event will go to our programs on the Connecticut Avenue Corridor.