

Women's Health and Hygiene in Tanzania


Global Volunteers' innovative Reaching Children's Potential (RCP) Program helps parents deliver essential services to their children so they can reach their full potential by eradicating hunger, improving health, and enhancing cognition. 

RCP is a family-centered program that invests in children's and mother's health, nutrition, and education beginning with pregnancy, continuing through the 18th birthday, and focusing on the first 1,000 days of life. All components are implemented and directed by local people with the catalytic support of local staff and external volunteers. 

The comprehensive RCP Program is comprised of 10 components benefiting women and their children, including free medical care, prepackaged nutritious meals and micronutrient supplements for pregnant and nursing mothers and toddlers, household food production technologies for food self-sufficiency, household handwashing stations to improve hygiene, interactive parent workshops, and regular home visits. 

Enjoy the brief video below about the work our volunteers are doing in Ipalamwa, Tanzania

Recent Activity

Name Stephen Werner
Activity Type Donation
Amount $25.00
Date 01/26/23
Message Robi spoke to my Rotary Club and this is an impressive program.
for "Fundraiser for Sustainable Menstrual Kits"
Name Kris Morse
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $10.00
Date 01/26/23
for "Fundraiser for Sustainable Menstrual Kits"
Name Richard Heppe
Activity Type Donation
Amount $25.00
Date 01/26/23
for "Fundraiser for Sustainable Menstrual Kits"
Name Erin Wentzien
Activity Type Donation
Amount $100.00
Date 12/30/22
for "Fundraiser for Sustainable Menstrual Kits"
Name Amy Biehl
Activity Type Donation
Amount $50.00
Date 12/25/22
for "Fundraiser for Sustainable Menstrual Kits"

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