2023 Year End Fundraiser
Help us finish strong and start fresh!
Help us finish strong and start fresh!
And just like that, another year is in the books.
Will you help us prepare for next year by making a year-end donation to Kingdom Outdoors?
-Make a quick and easy donation by clicking the "make a donation" button at the top or bottom of this page.
-Mail checks made out to Kingdom Outdoors to
Kingdom Outdoors
1010 Victory lane
Starkville, MS 39759.
** We can also receive donations in crypto currency through our engiven platform. If you would like more information on this just click here or contact us at [email protected].
We want to thank all of our partners that make the work we do possible. Your continued support enables us to change lives as we provide people with knowledge, purpose, and freedom!
From working with survivors in the wake of disasters and one-on-one mentorship to teaching self-defense classes and wilderness living skills, we continue to provide a ministry of presence. We have been a part of changing the trajectory of lives as we facilitate an encounter with the Creator and Sustainer of the universe-- the God who is present! We have been close to the brokenhearted. We have demonstrated hope to the hopeless and empowered the helpless as we point them to the one who has overcome the world.
We already have a number of events lined up in the first months of 2024. As always, we remain confident in God and His ability to provide the resources needed to operate. As we move into our eighth year, we continue to be amazed at His faithfulness! We are excited about this next year, but at the same time, we believe we are going to be stretched. The word we are getting for this next season is "active faith." He has given us a big and, in our eyes, impossible vision. However, because of His faithfulness and the miracles we have seen over the last seven years, we know that when He provides a vision, He is going to be faithful to accomplish the mission. Will you pray with us as we trust Him in some big things?
Probably one of the biggest areas we are trusting Him, aside from finances, is for a facility. For those of you who have been with us from the start, you know this is not a new vision. We have always felt that one day, we would have property where we would be able to host a variety of events. We
For more photos and videos check out the gallery or visit our website kingdomoutdoors.com
God continues to provided avenues for us to encounter the lost. We know that, just as He has provided the opportunities and the plans, He WILL provided the finances to accomplish the work. Are you a part of how He will provide?
Your "yes" will give someone a chance to encounter Jesus for the first time!
Your "yes" will help envision and mobilize the Body of Christ to share the good news of The Kingdom!
Your "yes" will provide opportunities for fellow believers to go deeper in their relationship with God!
Darrik and Stacie Walker aka "The Gold Stars" are becoming a part of Kingdom Outdoors in an official capacity. Like Josiah and his family, Darrik and Stacie will be missionaries with Kingdom Outdoors. They are passionate about facilitating an experience in creation. They believe that when people experience creation it points them to the Creator. They are a wealth of knowledge, with 15 years experience teaching wilderness living skills. We cant wait to see the lives that are changed for eternity through having Darrik and Stacie on the team!
Your gift will
-cover operational expenses
-provides scholarship opportunities
-enable us to serve in disaster relief
-help with cost of mission trips
Bottom line... Your gift allows us to function! Regardless of if you are a monthly donor, make a "one-time" gift, give $1.00, or $10,000, you are making a difference!
Maybe you have already given this year... Would you consider making another gift?
Maybe you already give on a monthly basis... Would you consider making an aditional one time gift or increasing what you give monthly?
Maybe this is the first time you have ever heard of Kingdom Outdoors... We are excited to connect with you, and we ask that you prayerfully consider partnering with us in taking THE Kingdom outside the doors of church buildings meeting people where they are!
Note from the Board
We are thankful for those that have given and continue to give to this ministry. We are humbled and amazed at the relationships God has helped us develop over the years. This time last year we heard the Lord saying 2022 would be a season of increase. We received that word with anticipation of seeing God move in powerful ways. Looking back over 2022 we can see the increase. New relationships were forged and partnerships strengthened. We have been given more creative ways to provide opportunities to reach people that likely would never have a chance to encounter Jesus.
Each year, as we look back, we have seen God's faithfulness and His blessing. Each year we have seen an increase. This past year we saw an increase in seeds planted for so many strategic opportunities and events. We don't know when all of these seeds will be ready to "harvest", but many of them will be ready in 2023. Here is a schedule of some of our main events next year. Will you pray with us about each of these events and the ones that aren't even on our radar yet. These are just the events we have planned. This past year relationships were developed with a number of churches and organizations that plan to book us to help with special events not listed. Pray for those times too. Pray for the Lord to prepare our hearts and the hearts of those coming to these events. Pray for the Lords provision. Pray about being one He uses to provide.
KO Board of Directors