

Keep the Bell Ringing 2022

99 Years of Educating...

Since 1923 the bell in the tower at St. Joseph School has rung to begin and end the day, educating and spreading the gospel of hope to local children; Native Americans from the Pueblos of Laguna and Acoma and Hispanics from the local villages of Seboyeta, Cubero and San Fidel. Tuition is low and does not cover the cost of educating a child. Even at our low tuition rate many of our families have to rely on tuition assistance from various local organizations; over 85% of our families qualify for free or reduced school meals. The difference is made up through grants and donations. Several times in the 99 years of our existence St. Joseph School has come close to closing its doors, but a higher power has kept us open even when thought impossible. We ask for your help to "keep the bell ringing".


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