SexPosCon 2024 Feb 16-18
Open and Honest Communication
ONLINE REGISTRATION CLOSES FEBRUARY 14, 2024! We cannot guarantee availability of registering after this date. If on-site registration becomes available, this will be posted on the website: https://sexposcon/com/registration.
Please read the registration options carefully, as there are different prices for presenters, students and community members, and professionals. Be prepared to make decisions about your lunch options and if you are adding continuing education credits to your registration.
Please check SexPosCon.com frequently for current details, changes, and other events related to the conference.
Use this link to register for the Open and Honest Communication Workshop, Sunday February 18, 2024 1-3 p.m. This is being offered as a professional continuing education workshop. Those who qualify may be eligible to
receive continuing education credits for completing this program. This also fulfills the workshop portion of the Sex Positive Professional Certification Program. There is an additional fee for this workshop.
Please check back soon!

This campaign has ended or is not currently active.
Contact us if you would like more information on how to support!