A Guide To Getting Unstuck Distribution
Deploying Life Saving Efforts To Those in Need
We are thrilled to announce that the highly anticipated Get Back Up, A Guide to Getting Unstuck curriculum is ready to deploy. This 8 week course guide is a melting pot of solutions to help us live a life of LIVING and not just EXISTING. The guide is a course that is derived from the successful Get Back Up program designed specifically for veterans and first responders struggling with PTS and Suicide Ideation. This is NOW being offered to the general public and all who want to see healing happen in their lives.
A call to action.
We need to get this course guide into as many hands as possible. We are currently deploying Mi Heroes Haven Hub locations with this guide as a waypoint. Please help us in our efforts to deploy 1,000 course guides to those in need.
We thank you for continued support in these life saving efforts. Thank YOU for being part of the solution and not the problem.
Please check back soon!

This campaign has ended or is not currently active.
Contact us if you would like more information on how to support!