

Recent Activity

Name Anonymous
Activity Type Item, Mailing list
Amount $30.00
Date 11/01/23
Name Janice Rogers
Activity Type Donation
Amount $160.00
Date 10/14/23
Message In Honor of Lindsay Rogers - a cancer warrior and SURVIVOR !! Love Aunt Janice
Name Therese Garner
Activity Type Donation
Amount $100.00
Date 10/14/23
Message Lou and Ray vote for Gator and Alvie
for "See Ya Later Cancer.. OR NOT... Alvie-Gator"
Name Anonymous
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $500.00
Date 10/14/23
for "See Ya Later Cancer.. OR NOT... Alvie-Gator"
Name Anonymous
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $25.00
Date 10/14/23
for "Ruby- Outrun Cancer - Just Do It"