2023 Back to Prom Court
Support your favorite nominee as they compete to be crowned Prom Royalty!
To help our organization support reproductive healthcare access for low-income women in our region, we have prom court nominees who are competitively raising funds in the hopes of being crowned our 2023 Prom King and/or Queen! Join us and support your favorite nominee(s)! There are several ways you can contribute to your favorite couple's campaign. You can:
Make a cash donation on your favorite nominees' fundraising page
Purchase event tickets - select your favorite nominee at checkout
Become an event sponsor - your sponsorship amount will go towards your favorite nominees' campaign total
Start a social media fundraiser
Make an annual pledge
Become a monthly donor
We are so grateful to ALL of our nominees' commitments to advance reproductive healthcare access for East Tennesseans. Make sure you purchase your tickets so that you can see the winning couple crowned when we go Back to Prom! To learn more about why A Step Ahead's mission matters, click here!