

Town Hall and Networking Event for 2023

FPAC, Butterfly of Chula Vista and More

FilAm ARTS excited to announce its 29th Annual Festival of Philippine Arts and Culture returns with FPAC 2023: PARA SA LAHAT (For All) with two-day festivities on Friday, September 1 and Saturday, September 2  at the Levitt Pavilion in MacArthur Park, Los Angeles.

We invite you to join us for our first  Town Hall and Networking Event for 2023. We will talk about FPAC (Festival of Philippine Arts and Culture) and other ways you can become more involved with FilAm Arts and our community.
Your DONATION ($5 minimum) will go towards FPAC 2023 as well as refreshments for our meeting.

FilAm Arts invites members of the community in the diaspora to be a part of this year’s celebration of Filipino arts and culture, as an artist, volunteer, participant, vendor or audience member. All are welcome to participate in our first ever meet up for the FPAC Builders Night, where we gather to share stories of the legacy of FPAC and build community together by planning on how to stage FPAC in a significant way, for all members to enjoy. 

Following the Town Hall Meeting at 5-7 PM, you are invited to watch FilAm Arts Teatro + Artists at Play's production of "The Butterfly of Chula Vista" starting at 7:30 PM

Register now and join us on May 1st, Monday starting at 5 PM  at 2220 Arts and Archives. 


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