

New Works-in-Progress by Paufve Dance

Paufve Dance's new works in progress examines relationships between women, with a focus on sisters and sisterly bonds.
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Excerpts from this work were shown as part of Intersection for the Arts Space Activation Artist-in-Residence Program,
Choreography by Randee Paufve in collaboration with dancers:
Shruti Abhishek, Molly Levy, Madison McGain, Juliana Monin, Randee Paufve, Elizabeth Zepeda

photo: Sloane Larsen; dancers: Madison McGain, Molly Levy

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Recent Activity

Name Nadhi Thekkek
Activity Type Registration, Mailing list
Amount -
Date 05/30/23
Name Anna Greenberg
Activity Type Donation
Amount $25.00
Date 05/29/23
Name Anna Greenberg
Activity Type Registration, Mailing list
Amount -
Date 05/29/23
Name Alexandra Rebosura
Activity Type Registration
Amount -
Date 05/29/23
Name Randee Paufve
Activity Type Registration, Mailing list
Amount -
Date 05/24/23

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