

The Power of More, a capital campaign

Let's deliver more!

A lot has happened since Meals on Wheels NE Illinois opened its first food production facility in 2020.  We project 220,000 meals will be served this year in a kitchen that was estimated to serve 100,000/year.

And word is spreading about our food. More organizations would like our meals for their programs and community members are on a waiting list for our home delivered meals. MWNEI has outgrown its space. Much more is needed. And with your help we can deliver so much more.

We have a proven model. Let’s keep the momentum. Let’s continue the smiles. Let’s continue to demonstrate what a Meals on Wheels  looks like now. WE are setting the bar for others. Let’s build this for better A1c. Better mental health. Better strength after surgery. Better quality of life. Better community.

Let's deliver more yum.
            deliver more love.
            deliver more connection
            deliver more health.
           deliver more community

Let’s deliver more together.
Because of you we can deliver more hope.
With your help we can deliver more good.

Let’s deliver more.


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