Disabled Women Speak Out (DWSO) is a four-week performance series produced and curated by Michaela Goldhaber, Artistic Director of Wry Crips Disabled Women’s Theatre and Lead Instigator and co-Artistic Director of Bay Area Women’s Theatre Festival. BAWTF has partnered with Berkeley’s Aurora Theatre Company to present DWSO on three Monday nights, May 1–May 15, 2023, on Aurora’s stage at 2081 Addison St. in downtown Berkeley. A fourth virtual performance will stream on BAWTF’s YouTube channel on Monday, May 22.
Disabled women are mostly absent from the world’s stages—overlooked, ignored, or silenced when they do speak up. DWSO will showcase some of the loudest and funniest disabled women in the Bay Area, including performances by Wry Crips of some of our favorite works, new material by comedians Jade Theriault and Nina G, a reading of Michaela Goldhaber’s The Rehab Follies, an absurd comedy with musical interludes, and more disabled women artists to be announced.
Please check back soon!

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