

Sponsor a Family for Christmas 2023

Our Christmas Sponsor a Family Program is one of our most cherished traditions and much appreciated by those we serve. 


This year, the NY Race Track Chaplaincy is once again offering the opportunity to our supporters to participate in our Sponsor-A-Family Program. Our Program provides food and gifts to the neediest of our backstretch families during the Christmas season. Sponsors provide brand new winter clothing for the children, a new toy for each child, and a grocery store gift card for the family's Christmas dinner (additional gifts are welcome, such as clothing for the parents).

Family Sponsorships can be shared!

Groups are encouraged to sponsor large families together.

Please click HERE to be assigned a family to sponsor.  You will hear back from us regarding the details of your assigned family and with instructions for dropping off gifts. 

Not a shopper? Not a problem! You may sponsor a family with a financial contribution as well! Simply choose from the sponsorship levels by clicking above, or make a donation of your choice. 

To donate by check, please make checks payable to the NY Race Track Chaplaincy and mail to:

NY Race Track Chaplaincy

PO Box 37191

Elmont, NY 11003

The NY Race Track Chaplaincy thanks you for blessing our neediest families during the Holiday Season.


This year has continued to be such a challenging one for us all and particularly for those we serve. Our goal is to provide sponsorships for every one of our families in need, which we were able to  accomplish last year and are trying to match this year.  Please, spread the word among your friends and help us to bless our families this year.

Thank you and God Bless You. 


Recent Activity

Name Arlene Brown
Activity Type Donation
Amount $25.00
Date 12/29/23
Name Anonymous
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $25.00
Date 12/24/23
Name Thomas Bickers
Activity Type Donation, Level, Mailing list
Amount $100.00
Date 12/24/23
Name Steven Overko
Activity Type Donation, Level, Mailing list
Amount $200.00
Date 12/22/23
Message Happy Holidays!!!!
Name john adams
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $250.00
Date 12/21/23
Message Wishing RTCA of NY a Merry Christmas and a successful New Year!

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