Protect, Conserve and Restore Andean Bear Habitat
Chocó Andino Biosphere Reserve & Maquipucuna Reserve, Ecuador
To strengthen the resilience of the two distinct but synergistic structures, a non-profit Fundación Maquipucuna, and a for-profit (WiseEarth Group), which together support the Chocó Andino Biosphere Reserve, Maquipucuna Reserve, and Andean Bear habitat.
- Art, Spirituality, education, sustainable finances.
- Securing the Área de Conservación y Uso Sustentable (ACUS) Designation for MAQUIPUCUNA – NANEGAL - CACHILLACTA: A Synergy of Conservation and Sustainable Development.
- Nurturing the Next Generation of Environmental Stewards through Maquipucuna’s JUNIOR NATURALIST LIVING SCHOOL and promoting local cultural preservation
- Empowering Sustainable Finances: Ecotourism, Ecosystem Services Valuation, and the Bio-Hub Initiative
- Conservation, science, ecosystem valuation
- Expanding and Protecting the Maquipucuna Reserve: A Strategic Plan for Andean Bear Conservation and Biodiversity Preservation
- Establishing a Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Initiative: Investigating Climate Change Impacts on Choco Andean Forests, Canopy Ecology, and Andean Bear Ecology
- Valuing Ecosystem Services: Harnessing NFTs and Community Carbon Banking for Sustainable Conservation