Al-Misbaah Modesto Maktab Registration and Payment
Assalamu alaykum,
This form is to confirm the enrollment of your children(s) in our after school Quran and Islamic Studies Classes (i.e. Maktab) in Modesto, CA for 2023-2024 school year. The Maktab is currently located at the Modesto Al-Misbaah warehouse with the address of: 1064 Woodland Ave Suite Q, Modesto, CA, 95351. Classes will be on Monday through Wednesday from 5:30-7:30pm iA.
The monthly registration fee will be $80 per student in sha Allah. These registration fees will cover the costs for the student's books, administration cost, and other applicable fees iA. However, if someone cannot afford the full amount, they must pay a monthly amount agreed upon with the Al-Misbaah Maktab admin. If parents do not arrange their monthly payments with the Maktab admin, their child is subject to removal from the Maktab.
IMPORTANT: This form must be completed for each child separately iA. For example, if you have 3 children, then you must complete this form 3 times iA.
If you have any questions, please email Sohail Nawaz at [email protected]