Dear Applicant,
Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer court-appointed special advocate (CASA), a/k/a Guardian ad Litem (GAL), for abused and neglected children. For more information on the role of the volunteer court-appointed special advocate, please refer to the attached job description.
Along with your application materials (background check release, reference list, and position application), please submit a cover letter addressing the following topics:
• Why you wish to be a CASA?
• Whether you have any attitudes or biases from your own background which might not allow you take an objective perspective cases (e.g., you were an abused child).
• Your understanding of factors that cause child abuse and neglect.
• The qualities you possess that would help you serve as a CASA.
Please note that the background release must be notarized. Most banks have notary services, and it is my understanding that notaries are also available on the CWU campus for students and CWU employees. The background check includes a FBI and WSP fingerprint screening, which we will arrange for you and pay the fee.
After receipt of your application, we will contact you to arrange meetings and training sessions. The training sessions are part of the screening process to ensure that volunteer CASAs understand their duties and will be well-suited to undertake the serious responsibility of serving as a volunteer CASA. Please feel free to call if you have any questions.
Executive Director
Any person at least twenty-one years old with a high school diploma who is of mature character with a sincere interest in serving abused or neglected children who are dependents of the State of Washington may apply to become a CASA/GAL. All applicants must submit to a FBI fingerprint check, child abuse, and sex offender screening. Court Advocates for Children for Kittitas County is an equal opportunity program and will not discriminate against applicants on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, age, marital status, or disability. However, convictions or pending charges for crimes against children, sex offenses, child abuse or neglect, or any acts that would pose a risk to children or adversely affect the program’s credibility will be grounds for rejection of an application.
A Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) is a volunteer Guardian ad Litem (GAL) appointed by the court to ensure that the needs and best interests of children who have been neglected or abused are met. To do this, the CASA/GAL must investigate the facts of the case, recommend a course of action to the court, and explain the court’s findings to the child, facilitate the resolution of the presenting problems, and monitor progress toward established goals.
• Successfully complete basic training session and background check; a minimum of thirty hours.
• Complete continuing education training—a total of twelve hours annually.
• Serve as a CASA for at least one child until a permanent plan has been implemented for that child—usually a minimum of two years.
• Keep the executive Director and/or executive assistant informed of all activities, conferring with them periodically for assistance and direction.
• Maintain current and complete files on each case assigned and return them to Court Advocates upon closure of the case.
• Adhere to deadlines and timetables involving an assigned case.
• Complete evaluations, time studies, and other data required for program reports.
• Maintain strict confidentiality regarding all aspects of assigned cases.
• Review pertinent records and interview the child, family members, foster family, teachers, social workers, counselors, and other appropriate persons to determine the facts.
• Determine the child’s needs and necessary services for the child and family.
• Investigate alternatives available for the child, such as placement options.
• Prepare and submit written reports and recommendations to the court.
• Appear and participate in court hearings.
• Interface with social workers and service providers to assist in implementing any plan ordered by the court (whether or not recommended by the CASA) and facilitate collaboration.
• Monitor and report to the court progress toward reaching the goals identified by the court and permanency, bringing urgent, important developments to the court’s attention if immediate court action is necessary.
• Participate in meetings with CASA supervisory staff and with DCFS personnel.
• Have regular in-person contact with the child, once a month, unless an exception is granted by the CASA program.
• Interest in and concern about the rights and special needs of children.
• Time to devote to training sessions and case management.
• Ability to work with children, family members, and professionals using tact, concern, and basic human relations skills.
• Ability to communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing, to the court, social workers, the executive director, and others as needed; represent a child’s best interests in the court; respect a child’s right to a safe and nurturing home;
• Satisfactory background check, including FBI/WSP fingerprint criminal history, child abuse and sex offender screening.
• Satisfactory reference check.
• Submission of a complete application packet (see letter to applicants for required contents).
• The CASA/GAL volunteer is appointed by the Superior Court of Kittitas County and is included under the court’s liability coverage while participating in the course and scope of court-appointed duties.