Terra Nostra: a symphony about climate change
You are part of the solution
We are excited to report that we have professionally recorded the revised musical score with Seattle Music and made an award winning film version. Our next steps are to have as many people as possible see, hear, and be moved by Terra Nostra, including through:
- showing Terra Nostra at film festivals around the country;
- reaching out to orchestras around the world to perform Terra Nostra;
- Inviting classical music radio stations to air the piece;
- developing curricula meeting Next Generation Science Standards with lesson plans that will be usable from late grade school through high school;
- bringing the film to schools;
- building a new version of our website that integrates the science behind the phenomena depicted in Terra Nostra; and
- highlighting the steps people can take in their own lives to be part of the solution.
We need your support to take this latest incarnation of Terra Nostra, the culmination of our vision, and share it with as many people as possible. All donors who give $10 or more will receive an electronic copy of the score and multi-channel WAV audio file.
$10 Symphonic score and WAV file
You will receive an electronic copy of the orchestral score and multi-channel WAV audio file of Terra Nostra.
$25 Plant a tree!
We will plant a tree through OneTreePlanted.
$50 Carbon offsets
We will buy 1000 lbs of carbon offsets through TerraPass.
$100 1 film festival entry
Entry fees, graphical design for movie posters, creation of press packages, and attending screenings at festivals all take financial support but also reach diverse audiences around the country.
$250 3 film festival entries
Entry fees, graphical design for movie posters, creation of press packages, and attending screenings at festivals all take financial support but also reach diverse audiences around the country.
$500 Sneak preview!
Receive an exclusive private video link to Terra Nostra before we can release it widely. (Film festivals have restrictions on when and how we can make Terra Nostra publicly available on our website or through YouTube.)
$1000 School visit
You will receive underwriting credit before, during, and after a presentation of Terra Nostra at a Seattle area school led by Artistic and Education Director, Christophe Chagnard.
$2500 Website expansion to include topic-specific science related to the themes explored in Terra Nostra
Sponsor a new scientific section of terranostra.org which focuses on themes such as weather patterns, population growth impacts, various forms of pollution, and solutions through individual initiatives, local advocacy and government.
$5000 Curriculum development
We need to integrate Terra Nostra into science and interdisciplinary curriculum in ways that are compelling for students, ready and workable for teachers to use, and which meet academic standards.