

The Full Monti-verdi

A musical extravaganza

Monteverdi Vespers of 1610 Wednesday, April 24, 2024 St. John's Episcopal Church

You will be amazed by the splendors of the Italian Baroque and Monteverdi’s Vespers of the Blessed Virgin, a hallmark of sacred music replete with vocal and instrumental gems. The choir under the direction of Jeremiah Kraniak, will be joined by soloists and a small chamber orchestra. The Vespers draws on elements of the sacred and the secular, from sonatas to songs, in a moving display of reverence, passion, and virtuosity that forever altered the landscape of contrapuntal music.  Written in 1610, the Vespers is a spectacular work with multiple choral parts, virtuoso solos and fanfares of baroque instruments, guaranteed to excite and energize performers and audience alike.  


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