

Grappling with Climate Change-New Jewish Responses

JCAN-MA Book Presentation by Zoom

Program: Grappling with Climate Change-New Jewish Responses

With Authors Rabbi Katy Allen, Dr. Mirele Goldsmith, Dr. Thea Iberall, and Dr. Cara Judea Alhadeff

Moderator: Judith Black, storyteller

Whether you are scared of the future or excited about the potential of human beings to rise to the climate challenge, this program is for you. Join us to explore Jewish approaches to the spiritual and existential challenges of climate change. 

Rabbi Katy Allen, author of A Tree of Life: A Story in Word, Image and Text, contributes a poetic and visual exploration of the journey through trauma toward healing. The book provides a tender yet powerful experience as a “tool for coping, for learning, and for growing” during the challenging times we face in our lives. Rabbi Katy is the co-founder of the Jewish Climate Action Network, and has an outdoor congregation, Ma’yan Tikvah – A Wellspring of Hope,

Mirele Goldsmith, an environmental psychologist and activist, is the author of “How to Change Minds: Lessons from Jonah,” an essay included in The Sacred Earth: Jewish Perspectives on our Planet, an exciting new compilation of over 40 essays, rituals, and poems that explore Jewish perspectives on the relationships between humans, the rest of creation, and the Divine

Thea Iberall, author, poet, and playwright, will share excerpts from The Swallow and the Nightingale, her novel about a 4,000-year-old secret brought through time by the birds. In this fable, Berkeley ornithologist Deborah Wright discovers that the swallows at San Juan Capistrano are singing a human song. As she discovers the implications of the song’s Jewish roots, she also becomes aware of the environmental decay we are facing.

Dr. Cara Judea Alhadeff, author of the critically-acclaimed book, Zazu Dreams: Between the Scarab and the Dung Beetle,  A Cautionary Fable for the Anthropocene Era. A tale for adults about environmental justice, ancient technologies, and ancestral wisdom, a Sephardic Arab-Jewish child and his imaginary malamute husky traverse the globe on a humpback whale. Their adventures unfold as they witness environmental racism, greenwashing, and contradictory human ecologies—experiencing symbiotic and contentious relationships between humans and the environment.

Judith Black is a professional storyteller, story maker, and teacher/coach with an international following. In June of 2016, Black gave a TEDX talk on the link that can bind storytelling and climate. She is the winner of many awards in her field, including the Oracle, Circle of Excellence Award, the Brother Blue Award, Cable Ace Award, MassMouth Grand Slam Winner.


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