

Monsignor Farrell's Head Shaving Fundraiser for Childhood Cancer

 Farrell High School will be hosting "Shave for a Cure" where students, faculty, and staff will volunteer to shave their heads to help raise awareness for childhood cancer and funds for the Arms Wide Open Childhood Cancer Foundation.

Licensed barbers and stylists will shave male participants’ heads. All participants are asked to raise at least $75. 

If you are not interested in shaving but would like to raise funds to fight childhood cancer, feel free to set up a page by clicking the Student Signup button.

Arms Wide Open Childhood Cancer Foundation’s mission is to fund less toxic therapies for children with cancer so they can have a better quality of life as they battle the disease and to give children battling cancer and their families hope during the most difficult days of their lives.  

Thank you for choosing to participate and help fight against childhood cancer.


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